Easter Hymn

When Jesus on the desolate cross
Shed His blood for me,
Sprang forth from death and wretched loss
Sweet life and victory.
Dark clouds veiled the sun so bright,
Rumbled the earth in the deep,
And rose to startled life in the night
Those who in endless darkness did sleep.
Stood fast the just in sinner's stead.
His bonds set captives free.
How wondrous that dear Christ should shed
His precious blood for me!

Though Jesus like the delicate rose
Was crushed unto the ground,
No triumph had His violent foes:
His light the dark did confound.
When on His tomb rose high the sun,
Gone was the stone from the door,
That all might see the battle was won:
Jesus, our Savior, had risen once more.
Bright truth revealed in morning's light
Did joy to each soul give:
That Christ traversed the soulless night,
That all, like He, might live.

All Hail, as one, the glorious King,
Risen from the grave.
His power and mercy ever sing,
Who died the wretched to save.
Shout Hosanna, hosts on high.
Kneel in His awe, all ye lands.
His faithful Presence ever is nigh,
Wondering, behold His pierced hands.
March on, you armies of the Lord,
Until His last return.
Let, in your hearts, His Spirit-Sword
Like ceaseless fire burn!

©Chloe S. Flanagan
